
Hayek economy

Every great man's passing is heartbreaking, and the great man is called a great man, because the name for the development of the world has a huge influence and contributors are mostly the general public as a "great man" to become human education Descendants follow the spirit of their teaching materials and models.
And Friedrich Hayek is such a person, he is a born in Austria, a well-known British economist and political philosopher. His career in economics is considered to be the greatest breakthrough in the history of economics, and he also has a significant contribution to the field of law, systematic thinking, thought history, and cognitive science. Hayek won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974 with his theory rival, Gunnar Mudar, to "commend their pioneering research in monetary policy and business cycles, as well as their economic, social and institutional Interactive influence. "At the same time in 1991, US President George Herbert Walker Bush awarded Hayek the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of his" lifelong vision ". Just from the Nobel Prize in economics and the United States President of the Medal of Freedom can see how he made in economics how outstanding contributions.
But Friedrich Hayek is not just a great economist, but he is also a great political thinker.
Unfortunately, I can not understand his theory, too esoteric. If you have to understand me, that is, he thinks the property is very important, which is one of the reasons for the formation of human society. And he believes that the economy is a "human behavior rather than human design" thing, this kind of thing can make the economic ruler through any stealth knowledge to communicate. To solve the problem of economic calculation. He also advocates a social order organized by the market order, Hayek believes that this ideal of individualism, free market political body can continue to self-regulation, the formation of a do not need to "find a better person to rule We "society. I personally feel that this is not realistic, it may be my view is superficial, without him see thoroughly, I think this is almost in the ideal of utopian society can not be achieved. And the economics guru is very disdain for socialism, he believes that the so-called socialism will lead to totalitarianism, the government has a strong economic control at the same time, will also have the power to control individual social life.
Hayek argues that under a free society, the government can have a certain degree of policy intervention in the economy, such as working hours, and the establishment of an open platform for the market. And socialism will have a government central plan, indeed, when China is like Friedrich Hayek said, when the government's central plan began to extend to some people can not agree on the field, such as " How much bread to produce "or" what style of clothing to produce ", the conflict will be inevitable. As the government plans more and more, the economy is becoming increasingly chaotic. The year of China is because the problem does not know how many people starved to death, how many people come out from school after the complete development of their own talent.
Friedrich Hayek's influence in various fields has been to this day, let us in this last 25 years of his memorial day to remember the great characters man.


Tesla and Tesla Inc

We all know that Tesla is the first to invent the AC people, and he is an important promoter of commercialization of electricity. I guess this is why Tesla car company to Tesla the name of the name.
The company's first car is the British Lotus sports car Elise-based pure electric sports car Tesla Roadster, is the first car to use lithium-ion battery, is the first charge can drive more than 200 miles of electric vehicles. It can be said that they are in the environmental protection of things than other companies have vision. And they can be said to meet the future of the energy industry - clean energy.
The Tesla company's most famous is that they successfully produced an electric sports car. And then the customer base is environmentally conscious high-income people and celebrities. But their customer base is not limited to high-income earners and celebrities, T-Zero put lithium batteries after the mileage reached 480 km, they also developed a lot of pure electric cars. Tesla car is the most famous Tesla electric car proud of the battery life, from more than seven thousand batteries from the battery pack, even if the short circuit will not fire, the individual battery damage will not affect the other - this Set the battery control system is Tesla own development, so far there have been no battery failure. Moreover, this model can guarantee that it can always use the most advanced battery to install Tesla electric car.
In June 2010, Tesla landed on NASDAQ, and Tesla became the only independent manufacturer of pure electric vehicles listed in the United States. At the same time the company is also the world's oldest driving vehicle manufacturers, and use these road experience to improve the product, the development of neural network based on artificial intelligence. It can be seen that the company has great value, although there are now online controversy that some people use automatic driving and lead to death, but it is clear that this can not prevent the development and sales of automatic driving.
November 17, 2016 Tesla Electric Vehicles Acquires SolarCity, a supplier of solar power systems in the United States, will transform Tesla into the world's only vertically integrated energy company, providing end-to-end clean energy products to its customers. And my hands there is a SolarCity stock can not sell, and now finally understand the reason.
Tesla is also officially renamed Tesla Inc, which means that the car is no longer the only business Tesla, but to expand the business to residential and commercial solar power storage system, to create a clean energy business.


Worth 20 trillion of government “bonds”

Trump came to power after Obama attack day by day powerful, and some places even personal attacks. Many people do not understand why, but if you know that Obama left Trump is a mess, you may be empathy.
One of the problems is that on March 15, when Obama's departure from Trump's 20 trillion debts is about to expire, Trump is faced with the dilemma that can not continue to issue bonds.
and now the all world is selling US Treasury bonds, as of the end of November 2016 12 months, overseas central banks to sell the total amount of US debt reached 405 billion US dollars, once again refresh the historical record.
What is the concept of $ 20 trillion? If the US debt with a dollar dollars into the line, then this line can be connected to the Earth and Uranus. My God, Uranus is a bit far away. If the "per capita" standard to calculate, this figure is even more impressive, each US taxpayer debt up to 16.7 million dollars.
Basically, the United States as the world's largest debtor, the face of 20 trillion dollars in debt, the United States of course hope that the dollar depreciation because they do not have to pay so much money. But Trump is trying to engage in infrastructure spending to increase government spending at the same time, the global central banks are selling US debt, and bond yields continue to remain high, then Trump will become a currency war loser, the end result is to the United States Bring the depreciation of the dollar. Can see Trump now in the end is more hate Obama.
I think Donald Trump since the beginning of 1939, the US debt ceiling has been raised 105 times, almost every 9 months will be raised once. So the US Congress to reach a modified debt ceiling bill is a high probability of events. In addition to attacking Obama caused a sharp rise in debt, Trump in the congressional speech did not have too much involvement in the debt problem, but kept trying to expand the financial expenditure.


Faith is priceless

Faith is priceless, because faith is full of miracles, it can completely change a person, so that strong people, learn to be ashamed; let the fighting people, understand the soft; so sad people, get joy.
This can be seen everywhere in the world. in china, have a Monk, he is very famous, so when he want to building a temple, lot of rich guy want help him, but they both have a condition, just put their name engraved on the temple clock, but the temple clock is only engraved Buddha's name and deeds, so the monks did not hesitate to refuse them. And then spent more than 30 years to their own edge, the daily wind and sleep, when the temple built that moment, he has from a young man, into an old man. He used his own life to adhere to their own beliefs, never regret.
Faith is a kind of perfection and longing for perfection in one's heart. He is a kind of belief, a kind of pursuit, we have faith, we have the direction of hard work, we want to make ourselves more perfect, more Close to the eyes of the mind as a shadow of faith.
i can not say that I am a godless man, but I love science. I like to meditate on the origins of the universe, like to study the vastness of the sky. However, for God's argument, I have the same fear of the universe.i think the faith can't use the money to pay, because the faith is priceless. what ever you have how many money you can't buy the faith, just like you can't use money to buy friendship, affection, and true love. in my heard the faith and friendship, affection, love as important.