I do not care what other people think, but I firmly abortion is not good.
In the eyes of God, life is sacred, even if the fetus is, God is seen as a unique life. In the revelation of God, King David said, "I still sprout when you [God] eyes see me." (Psalm 139: 16) God says that a man who hurts an unborn child has a duty, The killing of the fetus is murder (Exodus 20:13; 21: 22,23)
and if an unsuccessful miscarriage can harm a woman's body, each woman can only abort three times, not because she has three abortions, she can not have a baby, or she can not live after the abortion.
and i think abortion is illegal, because in fact, only when the fertilized egg forms and will have the fetus's soul. Fall in the fetus is equivalent to killing a complete life, because life is not only the body, but also a soul.
Women's choice of abortion, whether public or private, voluntary or compulsive, can have many detrimental effects on women's emotions and spirits, even for a long time.
No matter what method you use to abortion, in fact, are still in the stomach of the children to smash, and then excreted. This is extremely cruel, like the decomposition of the same people, but children do not have the awareness of the resistance only.
in the world every year have 44 million cases of abortion, and nearly half of this is done under insecurity, resulting in some 47,000 maternal deaths and approximately 5 million hospitalizations.
I believe that abortion can be aborted only if, for example, incest, rape, pregnancy, or maternal health are endangered, which is, after all, a double injury to the victimized woman.
In fact, these are my views on abortion, I think I may be some extreme, but under normal circumstances, you want to abortion, why do you not ready to work well. What support the rights of abortion is emphasized that women have the right to determine their own health, since that is personal safety, why do love, sex is also risky ah.