
He does not fit

By the end of the week, however, Mr. Trump had selected Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. I don’t think this is a good idea, Even before his nomination, the New York Times had uncovered extremely close ties between Mr. Pruitt and the oil and gas industry. Of course no body want a A person who has a very close connection with the oil and gas industry and leads the EPA is a joke. As long as the person is not a fool, he will of course how to help themselves in accordance with how, and this person also refused and dilute the experts almost the same warning, his actions will greatly influence for future generations. Among scientists there are no dissent from the conclusion that human activity - the burning of fossil fuels, which releases heat-trapping gases that stay in the atmosphere - is leading to planetary warming, and that the coming changes pose severe risks.
I think everybody know the Importance of Environmental Protection, We also understand the importance of clean energy to mankind, but this selfish person, he opposed the clean energy plan, the main voice of President Obama's core climate policy. And he's been digging into a lot of management bodies, and their work, he thinks should stop. And Trump said: "We will remove the restrictions on energy produced in the United States, including shale, oil, gas, clean, beautiful coal." This is simply crazy, Trump is ready to give up the historic Paris agreement? This is the fate of businessmen to manage the country, in order to benefit and desperate.
The president-elect threatens to make the United States second-rate players in the future clean energy economy. I thought it was his great idea, but I did not like it. And I probably think why Trump is not so support clean energy, because this is a need too much time and money things, and can not bring enough benefits for him.


Learn to respect faith and religion

i come to America already three years, but i still don't believe god, even i hear about god and bible everyday. Although i don't believe this, but i respect those who have faith, and are willing to believe these things. Because not all people can seriously and sincerely deal with their own beliefs, they are brave and respect people.
I remember when i was yang, my father and I went to Harbin tourism, we went to the famous Chinese church, Harbin Sophia Cathedral and the famous Chinese Buddhist College, Harbin Institute of Buddhism. And this time w was a little look down on religious things, probably because I was too small, casually read a little book that they have seen through religion, and that this is nothing but a self-deception. And i had a friend he has a little bad students look like, what things are dry. Since a time under the threat of his family, went to church to do a prayer. According to him, when in worship, the body suddenly extreme discomfort. The family asked the priest to see, under the guidance of the priest, he felt to see miracles, can communicate with God. Since then, has become a super devout believers, to get rid of all the problems. Later, as long as there is a chance to meet, we strongly advise the faith, we can feel his kindness, but I was stupid, that he was religious brainwashing, and has been playing with him, but the relationship has been a bit alienated slowly .
Later in the church and the Buddha College visit, my dad let me like those people to pray and bow down, but I refused, I was standing behind, then look at, nothing feel. After the day back to the hotel, my dad asked me: "Why are you so polite?" I was surprised to say: "I am not rude ah." "Do you know why I am not a believer but still do what prayer and kneel , Because I respect their beliefs, faith there is nothing wrong with religion to meet the needs of the emotional sustenance, as long as people are mentally fragile when there is powerless, this time people are eager to have a reliable People as the backing and spiritual strength, so a variety of God and God was born.Practice is the basic use of perceptual rather than rational understanding of the world, is a kind of life, work, and other aspects, and positive .All people have consciousness No matter what kind of religion are inseparable from the "people do good", therefore, no matter what kind of people should respect the beliefs of others. "
It had a profound effect on my memory and changed my view of religion and religion.


Trump challenges the "one China" policy

President-elect Donald J. Trump has made it clear that he views the central basis for diplomatic relations between Washington and Beijing — known as the “One China” policy — as ripe for review. I think this is a bad idea, because "There is only one China on both sides of the Taiwan Straits," the principle is the major consensus reached by the United States in 1979 when it established formal diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China.
And when Trump was elected president of the United States, has been elected President of the United States or the incumbent President of the United States does not speak with the leaders of the Taiwan authorities practice.I think Trump is provoking China, because "'one-China' policy can not be traded, Trump seems to understand only business, he thought what can be valued.
I do not like Taiwan's president, and Taiwan does not have a president, and If Mr. Trump supports Taiwan, China's first response may be to punish Taiwan than than the United States, in an attempt to diminish its value to Washington.This is unfair to Taiwan, but there is no way. This is unfair to Taiwan, but there is no way. If Trump's moves could make Taiwan to declare independence or that other nations would follow the United States in recognizing Taiwan. This would be very difficult for Taiwan. A lot of people will lose their jobs. If President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan declared independence, “and the whole world says Taiwan is independent,” then China “will take military action,”  The United States also has an unofficial embassy in Taiwan, and secretly sells arms to Taiwan.


The defender of human freedom-----Abraham Lincoln

In the world always every body knows him, the one of the greatest presidents of American history. he is the history of the United States one of the most respected heroes, he is the representative of ordinary people, his image is to become a symbol of freedom. This great person is Abraham Lincoln, an indomitable soldier, he receives the pain and blows, no one can be more bad then him. But he persevered, even become president.
 Abraham Lincoln was born in February 12, 1809. From a pool family, and he is a genius, he became a lawyer through self-learning. Lincoln in his life in a variety of combat has always insisted on going up, and he also have lot of pain and blows. He has lot of time in the failure, his first love dead, and his second love leave hid, then he just find his wife. So sad is he has fore son but only one live to adult.The death of the Lincoln couple's great influence. Mary was later tortured by the death of her husband and her husband. In 1875 Lincoln sent her to a mental hospital for a short time. Abraham Lincoln himself was troubled by "melancholy".
The greatest thing Abraham Lincoln did was to eliminate slavery after he became president. And won the Civil War.On 22 September 1862, the Emancipation Proclamation came into effect on 1 January 1863. In the rebel state the abolition of slavery became a military objective, and the Confederate Army went south, liberating the slaves all the way to the territory of the Confederation 3 million slaves were liberated. And he get lot of black soldier.
Lincoln was killed on 11 April 1865 when he watched the play. This is so bad, a great man dies in the hands of his favorite country. 


Trump as the president are most concerned about three things

When Trump came to power after three issues he most valued.
First is media, Trump has been elected since the president, has participated in two large gatherings. At these meetings he did not bring his campaign staff, nor did he take those who might work in his government in the future. Instead, he spent several hours meeting the core leaders of major television news networks, as well as the authors and editors of The New York Times. In a meeting with journalists, Trump did not think about "re-setting" his relationship with the media, but spent most of his time complaining about media organizations such as CNN and NBC. The New York Times also reported that this meeting, completely a conflict. However, CNN's Brian Stelter also wrote in the report, Trump hope his White House and the media can form a positive relationship. As the traditional rules of the basic rules recognized by the traditional television network, this meeting is not recorded; but Trump as a media with 40 years of intersection, he must know that his words and comments will be spread, their decision will be Criticism, so he must be done before, thoughtful, well planned. The simplest and most important explanation is that Trump is still very concerned about television news and the unofficial but the country's most well-known newspapers. Trump young has not yet become famous, the "New York Times" once he was reported as a big man once, since Trump began to have a sudden change in the media image. He knew the importance of the newspaper and knew it could set the agenda for many other media around the world, in New York as well as throughout the country.
Second is people's ideas, every campaign, to some extent, is a test for the people. When Trump announced in June 2015 to become a Republican candidate, no one would doubt that he needs to find more support, like their own people. The presidential race has always been like a horse race, the results of polls will affect the news headlines; and when a new president was elected, people support, that is, a "support rate" of things, will become a president into One of the criteria for unsuccessful. Perhaps the most personal thing Trump did now was to make a statement at Twit, most of the time, arguing, for example, that vice presidential candidate Mike Burns and Broadway opera Hamilton quarreled . "Our vice president, Mike Burns, was molested in the theater last night by Hamilton's crew, and it should not have happened," he wrote on Twitter. "Twenty-four hours later, "This is a full-fledged, biased program that is not interesting at all. Is this fair for us?" Behind Trump's Twitter tweets, , Is his public image of insecurity and concern. He may be the world's most powerful work, but now his comments make him look not very right. He must let everyone agree with his authority. Complain is Trump has been the "style." It now appears that he is still very "fragile". Some very common things, he will be seen as an "insult", "Hamilton" is a good example.
Third is personal interest, t

rump after the election of President, has his business on the "confidential trust", he will maintain their own shares and property unchanged, and the company's management rights to their children. But want to expect his children to do things contrary to the wishes of his father, is tantamount to expect the lion suddenly become vegetarian. Therefore, we should assume that they will not only report to the father of the business situation, but also use the President's identity as a pioneer in the commercial territory.There is no president like Trump so, there are decades of entrepreneurial experience, and so complex and rich Asset status. Trump's business partners and branded goods throughout the United States and the world. Trump even reported that, after the election was in Argentina and the British leader in the conversation, said the personal business and national affairs will be mixed together.


"Military" Xi Jinping

1, i like Xi Jinping because i think he will  let China more stronger.
When he was a boy, he have a good family and good life, but during the Cultural Revolution in China, his father lost his job, after 5 years the bad things happened, his sister suicide, because she can't keep endure such a life, this why Xi Jinping he is very few words. But he endure this life, and he almost did not break off, farming, pulling coal, hit the dam, pick feces, what he did all the work done, what the pain is eaten.
This is his childhood life.
2, The lot of people called him "solider" Xi Jinping, because his lifestyle is like a real soldier. And he just like the ancient general, he will come to barracks, to eating and sleeping with solider, sometimes he will and the soldiers with the training.He is very concerned about the lives of soldiers, will personally try to bathroom hot and cold water is not hot, and even urge the implementation of the mandate and delay the soldiers of the wedding: "find a day, pay close attention to the wedding."
He thought more far-reaching, is the army's army. In 2016, when he visited the 13th Army, in the Red Army to keep the grass over half of the belt before the stop feeling: "This is the first time in the reform of the Central Military Commission, The power of faith is a vivid portrayal of the 'core with the party'.
" 'Army look' is to firmly listen to the party command, to be able to fight, win the battle, to maintain the glorious tradition and fine style." Xi Jinping said.
3,"The Chinese lion has awakened, but it is a peaceful, amiable, civilized lion." Xi Jinping once declared to the world.He also clearly recognized that the military construction of an obvious short board, is years without war, the lack of actual combat tests. "Battle how to fight on how to practice", the actual combat to become the key words of military training reform. "This is an exam we can not avoid, the army must be to the party and the people, to produce a qualified answer to history." In an "important meeting", Xi Jinping said firmly.
"We do not stir up trouble, but not afraid of things." In the legitimate rights and interests of the state, his attitude clear, not let. In the South China Sea on the Yongshu reef, China has not only built the airport, even the modern comprehensive hospital are built up; in the Diaoyu Islands, China has achieved a normalized cruise in the East China Sea, designated the East China Sea air defense identification area, patrol. "The war can only Zhan Zhan, ready to fight it may not have to fight," This is the history of modern history left us a lesson, but also advocate Xi Jinping "to fight, win the battle," the true meaning.

Trump called for national unity

In the United States local time 23rd release of the latest video, Trump appealed to the United States once again unite. "We are very grateful to call this country home, and this is the United States, and this is our home, where we support our families, caring for our loved ones, caring for our neighbors, and realizing our dreams." Thanksgiving Day, I pray that we can begin to bridge the differences, The common resolve to move toward a common goal.
Although Trump want national unity but i feel he is biased white people. Although I do not agree with many of Trump's views, but I am very supportive of his Thanksgiving speech this time. All countries want national unity, because the lack of unity among nations is the beginning of the country's collapse.
In the United States, nationalism is a dirty word, people publicly disdain it, that the nationalism and the old world of narrow and self-regard superiority. But these skeptics of American nationalism are willing to admit that the Americans are generally patriotic. When asked to explain the differences between patriotism and nationalism, these skeptics may be reluctant to admit that there is little difference between the two, and there is no substantive difference. Political scholars have struggled to prove the great difference between the two, they will be equivalent to the patriotism of loyalty to the country, while the nationalism is defined as race - national superiority mood. In fact, in terms of the psychological and behavioral manifestations of nationalism and patriotism, they are indistinguishable from each other and their impact on policy is also so.
I hope  Trump's idea can be true in the United States, because i think peace is always better than war.

He is a world-class man

November 26, 2016, former Cuban leader Castro died. For many Chinese people, Castro is a familiar and unfamiliar political figure.
According to Castro, his father, "the son of a very poor peasant," came from Galicia, Spain, around the age of sixteen or seventy. "A certain rich disciple gave him a military service in order to avoid Money, so my father replaced his military service. And then sent to Cuba as a Spanish soldier. After the end of the war in 1898 was repatriated to Spain, the following year returned to Cuba, in the "penniless, from scratch, without any relationship", "relying on their own efforts to build their own estate, accumulated property ", And finally with" a total of not less than 11,000 hectares "of land. Therefore, Castro admitted that he "does not belong to the 'relatively' rich and powerful family, but belong to a very wealthy and powerful family.
In 1926, Fidel Castro was born. Some scholars described his childhood life so: "fishing, hunting, hunting dogs before the rush, the family atmosphere is obviously rugged"; and that "Castro reason for the constitutional system, bureaucracy and any kind of formal Lack of interest in formalities, may be traced to his father's hostile attitude towards any legal form, whether property or personal relations. " However, in 1936, the Spanish civil war broke out, Castro's father and his "San Diego school where the Spanish teacher", are Franco's supporters. Such an environment did not prevent Castro's political stance from being left-even though Castro did not admit that he had "made the father's counter-revolution" and only admitted that he was "anti-authoritative." For his future left-wing political stance, Castro thinks, with his "landlord's son, not grandson" has a great relationship. "The landlord's son" is able to reach many poor people, "landlord's grandson" is not.
University time is used in political activities, wandering in various political groups, involved in many violent events, see that he is not a good student.
There are claims that Havana student political activities in some of the shooting, but Castro dry. In 1947, he also participated in the Dominican Republic for the "attempted invasion", after the failure with machine guns fled to his father's farm. In 1948, the national sports minister, federation of President Manolo Fidel Castro was assassinated, Fidel Castro was charged (Castro himself argued that did not participate in the action, but participated in the decision-making assassination action meeting). That same year, Castro was also involved in the sensational "Bogotá event" - when the Ninth Pan American Conference was held in Bogotá, Colombia, Castro and other Cuban students went to protest and distribute leaflets. Subsequently, the Colombian Liberal Party leader killed in the streets, triggering urban riots, more than 3,000 people were killed. Later, Castro was accused of "the Communist Party spies sent to organize the riots" - in fact, he is not, nor the ability to become the main envoy of the incident.
In 1950, Castro graduated from the University of Havana, received a doctorate in law. "I was a political illiterate when I got my degree," he says, and some of his college classmates thought he was "an unprincipled, enthusiastic, A group of people to help his political future, with that a group of good fortune. "Similar to" keen power "such evaluation is harsh, but Castro walk in various political groups changeable position, is a fact .
In 2008, Castro announced his resignation, saying that he would "fight as a soldier in the ideological field." After retirement, Castro published a lot of comment on the current affairs of the column. If the column stopped, rumors - Castro died. In October 2012, he published "Castro will die," a response: "death? I do not remember when the last headache." Later, Castro announced the suspension of column writing.
In addition to writing articles, Castro also participated in social activities, from time to time to visit Cuba, China, Venezuela, Vietnam, Brazil, Ecuador and other leaders, including Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Castro close contacts . Chavez died, Castro is extremely sad, the author said he was "the history of the Cuban people's best friend." Castro is also trying to repair relations with the West. In January 2015, Castro said that although he did not trust the policy of the United States, nor had to communicate with the United States, but in accordance with international practice and principles to support the Cuban-US relations. In July the same year, Cuba and the United States resumed diplomatic relations interrupted for 54 years. This may be Castro's last legacy to Cuba, heralding an open future.


Genius in the left, crazy in the right

Geniuses tend to be flawed
In the human brain, commonly used resources account for only one-tenth of brain capacity, the other nine-tenths of the brain resources are generally in a dormant state. Many people think that genius has become a genius, because their brain resources development than ordinary people, genius is the brain is extremely developed, extremely intelligent people. However, scientific research shows that this is actually a misunderstanding, many of the world's genius has a very special skills, and their intelligence in other areas is not as good as the average person.
Australian neurophysiologists, after a long study, concluded that talented people showed extraordinary talent in one way or another, the result of isolation in the areas of their brains responsible for this ability. The isolated development of the brain in the brain is particularly well developed, so they have in this regard with extraordinary ability. In other respects, the geniuses are generally very ordinary, even lower than ordinary people. Einstein's IQ of more than 160, made many people so far that the unpredictable theory of relativity, but at the same time, he suffers from language barriers and barriers to reading and writing.
British poet John Dryden said: "Genius and the madman, from genius to madness, only one step away." Another ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle also held a similar view: "There is no genius Newton and Kant suffer from schizophrenia, Caesar and Napoleon suffering from epilepsy, Pushkin and Goethe have manic depression ... ... as if the genius of the existence of recessive gene of schizophrenia.
Professor Michael Fitzgerald, an Irish psychiatrist who is also an expert in the study of the "Asperger's Syndrome," after a psychiatric analysis of some of the most imaginative artists in history, states: "Crazy ' 'Great' does exist between some kind of relationship, 'Asperger syndrome' on people's social relations have great influence, but the human intelligence and no effect, people with the disease but easy to have extraordinary Artistic creativity and superb mathematical talent.
Many of the world 's most talented people suffer from Asperger' s syndrome, and their actions give the impression that there is only one word: blame. Einstein in his daily life is very difficult to communicate with the normal; Michelangelo is suffering from autism; British poet Ye Ci is always gloomy mood, and with "autistic act of aggression"; British writer George Orwell is "very rude" to his wife, "behavior perverse", "there is abuse tendency."
Geniuses tend to be more fragile than ordinary people. At the age of 31, he died of the "King of Songs" Schubert, whose works are full of melancholy atmosphere; the death of 35-year-old music prodigy Mozart, the piano music contains a touch of sadness; Genius and 34-year-old Bellini, 37-year-old than the only 40-year-old Weber, 42-year-old Mussorgsky, 43-year-old Wolf ... ... their mental state is more sensitive than ordinary vulnerable. Scientists reasoned that genius is often more sensitive to pain and injury than ordinary people, and their innate fragile nerves make them more vulnerable to pain than ordinary people, so they are not so easy for ordinary people to get happiness. This is also a lot of genius with the causes of mental illness. From this it seems, to do an ordinary person may be more than a genius more happy. There is no absolute perfect man in the world, for God made man to be fair, and he endowed the talents which the genius did not possess, and gave them the imperfections which ordinary people did not have.
Professor Vladimir Efroimsson, director of the Department of Genetics at the late Moscow Institute of Psychiatry, said: "I have been studying genetics and history for more than 60 years in my life. Read thousands of history books, hundreds of the great biography, read dozens of encyclopedia, the conclusion is: the history of human civilization, a total of nearly 400 people who played an important role in history.I also noted that, These great men in the world are more likely to have inherited diseases than ordinary people, and mental illnesses account for the first place, nor do they know what the reason is: the more the genius is insane, the greater his achievements will be.


The Limits of Freedom of Speech

First what is Freedom of Speech, Freedom of speech is the right to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship, or societal sanction.The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice". Article 19 additionally states that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "[f]or respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "[f]or the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals".

one limited by money, In the United States, the size of free speech is the same as the amount of money. The reason is very simple, meetings, speeches, must have a venue in the United States, the venue is very expensive rent, less money, can not afford to rent, the corresponding freedom of speech will "shrink." Newspapers and magazines must have the funds; set up radio and television stations, film and television programs must have a lot of money; money can not afford to do so, the corresponding freedom of speech the same "shrink." The United States has the freedom to press and publish, so the mass media are numerous. Each media has its own purpose and the choice of manuscripts of the standards and intentions, and its purpose. Standard. Intention of the manuscript is not used. If the author of a manuscript, can not find the media published, and not enough money to publish at their own expense (at their own expense to publish books or advertising fees to the newspaper published in the advertising column), freedom of speech in the media, the author of course Is equivalent to empty words.
two by the Constitution and the law,It is a normal phenomenon that the freedom of speech in any country is restricted by the constitution and laws of that country.
three subject to strong pressure from the mainstream media, For example, the New York Times is the most influential liberal newspaper, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post are the most well-known conservative newspapers; but in most cases, The consensus of these most influential newspapers is the same. The most influential television stations in the United States, NBC, ABC, CNN, in most cases, and the newspaper is to maintain "public opinion." In this way, the United States to form a "consensus" of the "fixed" and "invisible pressure." In this pressure of public opinion, it is quite difficult to express dissent. Even if in the individual or a small number of non-mainstream media published, but the "voice" is very small, to hear the limited number of influential, unable to fight with the mainstream media.



Washington is the chairman of the meeting. Although his constitutional thought on the formation of the constitution of the United States did not play an important role, but his supporters and his fame to the States for approval of the constitution has played a significant role. There was a powerful force in opposition to the new constitution, not Washington's influence, it is difficult to say the Constitution can be got.
Then, Washington was the first president of the United States. The United States has a Washington that people have both ability and political integrity as the first president to be lucky. Turn South America and Africa countries history, we can see that even a democratic constitution for the new state at the beginning, degenerated into a military dictatorship is easy. Washington is a the firm's leaders, he maintained the unity of the nation, but not always dominated the regime's ambition, does not want to be king, but doesn't want to be a dictator. He created a precedent for the right to take the initiative to make a precedent since the United States still pursue. And then the other American leaders such as Thomas Jefferson, April 13, 1743 - July 4, 1826). James Madison (March 16, 1751 -1836, June 28th), Alexander Hamilton, January 11, 1757 - July 12, 1804) as compared to the lack of George Washington The spirit of innovation and profound thought. But he's better than all these characters are rare gifts and bold strategy is much more important, whether in war or peace, he in the administrative leadership plays an important role, without any political movement he will not achieve the objective of the United States. The formation of Madison's contribution is significant, and Washington's contribution can be said to be almost indispensable.
George Washington in the book of the position depends largely on how people know him to the United States brought historical significance. A modern Americans make evaluation on the historical significance of avoid leaning to either side of nature is difficult.
Although the United States is even larger than the heyday of the Rome empire's military strength and political influence in the mid twentieth Century, but the regime may not like the Rome empire as the long lines. On the other hand, the United States made the technical achievements of several other ethnic groups will be regarded as significant, this point it is obvious to people. For example, the invention and the human plane on the moon landing on behalf of the past generations of people dream of achievement; it is difficult to imagine the invention of nuclear weapons will be regarded as the achievement of little importance


Hillary Trump first war of words

Hillary Clinton in the debate, has experienced many one-on-one confrontation, including the 2008 Democratic primary and Obama's duel, and the beginning of this year's selection and Saunders confrontation, but never against such as Trump people. The Republican primary debate has shown that no candidate has found the best way to challenge Trump.
Hillary's public relations director Pamiri said that no matter what image Trump appeared, Hillary are ready to respond to the policy.
American society is in polarization, this year's election there are a lot of unusual, including newcomers in the primaries of Trump, the successor over the party 16 opponents, and ultimately become the Republican nominee, first created the election miracle . In the face of more than 30 years of opponents Hillary Clinton, two of the first match against the full of suspense, but also to the American voters are full of expectations, people are enthusiastic about this debate comparable to the 80s of last century, between Reagan and Carter Of the general election debate.
For tonight's two male tournament, the majority of US current affairs experts believe that Trump and Hillary's greatest strengths and weaknesses are mainly reflected in four aspects.
On the advantages of Hillary's political and policy experience is her trump card experience; and Trump with its political new straightforward and bold, attracting many voters on his fanatical and support.
Speaking of disadvantages, Hillary's credit crisis has been the most voters resent her problem; and Trump can have the temperament and demeanor as president, it is a lot of voters worried about the problem.
Several major US polls released the same day data show that the two voters in the support once again difficult to understand.
Moderator asked Trump whether to agree with the current US nuclear weapons policy. Trump said the United States must be prepared to face the threat of nuclear weapons, and criticized the United States for North Korea and China can not find a way to criticize Hillary as Secretary of State during the period are not doing.
Hillary Clinton once again to the US allies to ensure that the United States will abide by the global nuclear arms reduction agreement. Hillary said Trump will only criticize, but never put forward his solution. Said Trump constantly stressed there is a secret solution to ISIS, but the secret is: he can not.
Trump said he believes NATO should pay to the United States, because the United States bear most of the responsibility to defend NATO member states. Trump said NATO should join the United States in deepening the Middle East and cracking down on terrorist groups.
Hillary Clinton said: Many of the network invasion of the United States in order to obtain business intelligence in order to benefit in trade negotiations, when the more serious network invasion is from Russia, the invasion of US government agencies. If this is their preferred means of competing with us, we must clearly tell them that we are fully capable of defeating them, but we do not want to get involved in this new war. In this regard, Russia must understand.
This is why when Trump publicly invited Putin to invade our system, I was shocked and realized once again that he did not have the qualifications to become president.
I hope to get ISIS out of Iraq within a year, and that must be our priority, to wipe out their leadership and wipe out their propaganda war on the Internet.
"We have to beat ISIS," Trump said. Obama and Hillary Clinton in the United States to withdraw troops from Iraq, to ​​leave a vacuum there, let ISIS take advantage of, gradually strong. We should control the oil fields in Iraq before, not like the current fall into the hands of ISIS, as their source of income.
We must also call on NATO to join us in the Middle East to resolve the problem of terrorism there.


Baby Is Angel


I think the abortion is bad. 

In God 's eyes , life is sacred , even if the fetus is , God is seen as a unique life . King David , under the inspiration of God , said: "I still embryonic when you [ God ] eyes to see me ." ( Psalm 139: 16 ) God stated that a person who hurt unborn child , it is necessary to it is responsible for . Thus, in the sight of God , to kill the fetus is equal to murder. ( Exodus 20:13 ; 21 : 22,23 )

First Many people think that the fetus does not belong to real life , it is called to be born later life , this view is wrong , in fact, just when the zygote is formed and there would have been the soul of the fetus . So modern man does not know this truth , he did not put abortion as one thing, he said, it is a kind of abortion may not kill , this is wrong . After the fall of the fetus is equal to killing a complete life , because life is not only physical , but also have a soul. This abortion thing is now the world 's a very serious social problem , which not only give women bring a lot of trauma , and can be said to create a lot of resentment .

And if  Unsuccessful abortion will hurt the women body, every women only can abortion three times, don’t abortion is bast because when women have three times abortion she can’t have baby anymore maybe she also can’t live after abortion.

Women choose abortion, whether it is public or secret, and whether voluntary or forced, will have many adverse effects on mood and spirit of women, and even a long time. Especially religious women before abortions are hesitant, after abortion will produce guilt, chagrin, remorse, frustration, anxiety, sadness, helplessness, insomnia, crying, nightmares, loss of sense of security, resulting in sense of loss, even affect work and life. Western medicine is called "post-abortion stress disorder." Moreover, unsafe abortions will endanger the lives of women. World Health Organization data indicate that 80 million women worldwide receiving less secure abortions annually, of which 80,000 people have died there. Women's casual abortion, not just high-risk, and may have serious consequences. Such as incomplete abortion, embryonic tissue or bone residues uterine cavity can cause infertility. Abortion can cause bleeding, inflammation, uterine cavity adhesions infertility sequelae. Whether it is the mother's physical and mental health care, or to respect the right to life of the fetus, women do not easily abortion.



Love or Abnormal state

In fact, my attitude towards homosexuality does not matter , as long as such a thing does not happen to them , I just feel them. In fact, I admire the courage of these people , because they are in the whole of human society and common sense to fight .
First, distinguish between two basic concepts: homosexuality and homosexual acts . The former is an identity , or rather a kind of sexual attraction gender divide object identity , this distinction is a product of the way in modern Western society , so far , less than two hundred years of history . And homosexual sex is a purely physiological patterns of behavior , which in most cases driven by pleasure. Even in modern society, homosexual behavior is not only homosexuals can be achieved.
From biogenetics , the individuals carrying the gay gene cells , under appropriate conditions, easy to develop into homosexual cells. Homosexuality is usually caused by genetic father of daughters, mothers genetic son , and gays and lesbians have a family tendency . Heterosexual sexual orientation is usually caused by genetic son father , mother, daughter genetic , but it sometimes happens that the father's sexual orientation to their daughters , the mother of his son 's sexual orientation, genetic phenomenon, which will lead to the child is gay . Studies have found that gay men and lesbians more likely to occur in the same family . That is to say , if there is a sibling siblings child is gay , then the other children have a greater chance of homosexuals .
And we need know what is Gay. Gay , also known as homoerotic , is one of sexual orientation, is a person of the same sex only in love and sexual desire , sexual orientation with such individuals is called homosexual. In other animals, other than humans , but also widespread homosexual behavior , but it can not compare with the human -based senior gay feelings , which is a concrete manifestation of the development of our human diversity 
And, homosexuality is innate right ? In many senses this is not a good question , but that does not prevent it from having a clear and simple answer. Unfortunately, too often , the answer to this question has become a value judgment , affirmed " homosexuality is innate " has become a highlight ideological freedom , democracy , progress, and put him with those backward , conservative , fear same distinguish the basic mark. But any respect for contemporary social science and natural science research people should clearly see , the answer to this question is the fact that criteria sense. Whether you're church people , extreme right , LGBT activists , school college professor , whether you think you are heterosexual or homosexual , whether you homophobia , this question has only one correct answer , that is, no one is born is gay.


Abortion harm

I think the abortion is bad.
In God 's eyes , life is sacred , even if the fetus is , God is seen as a unique life . King David , under the inspiration of God , said: "I still embryonic when you [ God ] eyes to see me ." ( Psalm 139: 16 ) God stated that a person who hurt unborn child , it is necessary to it is responsible for . Thus, in the sight of God , to kill the fetus is equal to murder. ( Exodus 20:13 ; 21 : 22,23 )
First Many people think that the fetus does not belong to real life , it is called to be born later life , this view is wrong , in fact, just when the zygote is formed and there would have been the soul of the fetus . So modern man does not know this truth , he did not put abortion as one thing, he said, it is a kind of abortion may not kill , this is wrong . After the fall of the fetus is equal to killing a complete life , because life is not only physical , but also have a soul. This abortion thing is now the world 's a very serious social problem , which not only give women bring a lot of trauma , and can be said to create a lot of resentment .
And if  Unsuccessful abortion will hurt the women body, every women only can abortion three times, don’t abortion is bast because when women have three times abortion she can’t have baby anymore maybe she also can’t live after abortion.
Women choose abortion, whether it is public or secret, and whether voluntary or forced, will have many adverse effects on mood and spirit of women, and even a long time. Especially religious women before abortions are hesitant, after abortion will produce guilt, chagrin, remorse, frustration, anxiety, sadness, helplessness, insomnia, crying, nightmares, loss of sense of security, resulting in sense of loss, even affect work and life. Western medicine is called "post-abortion stress disorder." Moreover, unsafe abortions will endanger the lives of women. World Health Organization data indicate that 80 million women worldwide receiving less secure abortions annually, of which 80,000 people have died there. Women's casual abortion, not just high-risk, and may have serious consequences. Such as incomplete abortion, embryonic tissue or bone residues uterine cavity can cause infertility. Abortion can cause bleeding, inflammation, uterine cavity adhesions infertility sequelae. Whether it is the mother's physical and mental health care, or to respect the right to life of the fetus, women do not easily abortion.